On Sunday 23 February, a fleet of vintage and classic vehicles will be parked throughout Bacchus Marsh’s Main Street as part of the Marsh Rodders’ Main Street Coffee and Cars event.
Running from the Grant Street intersection through to around Young Street, about 150 cars are expected to feature.
Classic car club, the Marsh Rodders invite all vehicle owners and lovers to come on down to Bacchus Marsh and cruise Main Street on the day.
Grab a coffee, breakfast or lunch in one of the many cafes and restaurants, visit the various farm gates along the Avenue of Honour and sample some of the fresh produce.
This is a free event to showcase all the local businesses of Bacchus Marsh, allowing visitors to enjoy a relaxing day out with family and friends, and check out other cool rides on the day.
It’s open to all makes and models, cars and bikes; the Marsh Rodders hope to fill the streets with colour.